George & Dorothy Middleton
After years of service in East Africa, George & Dorothy Middleton founded CCM in 1985. Their desire was to empower people who had been marginalized and doomed to poverty. Their goal was to provide these people not only with immediate needs of food, clothes, shelter and love, but also with a future – by giving them skills to earn a living, and introducing them to a loving Heavenly Father.
Dorothy was called home to be with the Lord in early 2013. George joined her in glory in 2019. By God’s grace, the work to which they devoted their lives continues to this day, thanks to the compassionate efforts of the global CC Ministries family. Through selfless service by faithful servants on the front lines of need, and with generous support from others behind the scenes, the global CC Ministries family over the years has been a channel of God’s love to countless people around the world.
What a privilege to be a part of God’s work! Over the past 40 years there have been many highs and lows, with each experience teaching valuable lessons and bringing happy blessings. In fulfillment of our Guiding Principles, CCM’s International Projects have expanded to support many wonderful ministries serving a great many people around the world. Now we are seeing men and women, who were helped by CCM in earlier years, going on to serve Him with their own talents and gifts. What a wonderful harvest! And with God’s help, we look forward to so much more over coming years.
What Makes Us Different?
CC Ministries is a compact and highly-focused organization with a “personal touch.” We are all about people: people-focused ministry in our program countries, and friendly personal relationships with our wonderful support family. We empower nationals to serve their own people – helping fellow-Christians and also reaching out the surrounding community. We keep things simple and straightforward. And we make the most of every entrusted dollar – careful & ethical stewardship is an absolute. These are some of the distinct characteristics our supporters appreciate. But most important: Our desire is to honor God in everything we do, and to point people to Jesus Christ at every opportunity.
CCM Today
CCM (Coordinated Christian Ministries) is a registered charity in the United States, with a management team in New Jersey and Kentucky. Donations to CCM in support of ministries around the world are receipted for Income Tax purposes.
CC Ministries’ International Office (International Coordinated Christian Ministries or ICCM) is hosted in Canada, where George & Dorothy’s children Janet Hicks and Mel Middleton are still actively involved as part of the team supporting our global ministries. We welcome you to join the global CC Ministries family in sharing God’s truth & love with precious people around the world.